EXPO 2023
Britt 24x33 graphite and pastel
Material to think about
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When images are slow to brighten up our lives, memorized phrases come to marry our stammering lips and speak to us about the weather: the weather that it is, that it is no longer, the weather of the sky, the colors of the horizons, the freshness of the wind, the flavors that undulate during the day and populate our nights.
We come from a recent time which blurred our gaze, suppressed our smiles and hid our tears under masks prescribed as an element of survival.
Our joint efforts, often contested, sometimes controversial but proven necessary at the end of the tunnel, have allowed us to recover our cherished freedoms? This new vision directed me towards points and lines imbued with creative horizons and sometimes rolling like colored pebbles in the random flow.
When the hand wanders freely and only listens to its emotions, the mind vaporizes and condenses images from elsewhere.
It is not certain that the construction of these elements is universal but it remains particular and bears the fruits of the imagination and material to thik about.
Michel Snoeck Atelier Day After Day Art
August 2023