Steenstraat 74/2 Koningslo-Vilvoorde 1800 Belgium
tél: 32 2 261 12 01 & 32 2 267 52 02 & 32 0479 79 35 46
introduce Michel Snoeck
its creative workshop of
contemporary art
The workshop, place of research , creation, information, edition, and presentation of artistic works ( charcoals, pastels, red chalk, oils, etchings, sculptures, watercolours)
work of the week: Yasmina
E.A. etching black edition 40 x50
at the workshop
Material to think about
Edition - of a workshop notebook containing 8 original engravings
- a "City of BXL" box set, engravings
- a collection of poetry: "The shadow of Akéna"
- a second poetry book: "Arabesques and Acrostiches"
Britt 24x30
You still have the possibility of going to the Workshop for AFTER DAYS
by appointment only on 0479 79 35 46
The creation continues in the different disciplines
Unique and original pieces await you at the walls or from the reserves
The workwhop remains at your disposal if you wish to exposure works in your Gallery or showroom, contact per
All the works reproduced on this site are protected by the laws of copyright. Any reproduction, even partial, any safeguard, with business ends or others must be subject of a written agreement of the artist. The rights are lodged at Sabam Belgium